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Boggtrolls "DIY - Bodymods WoD 6.1+" Guide

Tools Needed

Python - Must be installed for blender to read scripts. I just grabbed the newest one.

Blender 2.73 - 3D Modeling Program (it is free)

M2Mod Redux 4.6.1 and Scripts
Download -
Thread on Darknest -

CASC Explorer - used to extract the files from wow.

This version of Visual C++ library is needed for some of the programs to work.

Blp-Png.jar - to convert textures to and from Blp and Png. You will need java installed.

I think i got everything but if i remember something ill add it in the list of tools.

Getting Ready

Installing the Scripts in Blender - Start
Locate and unzip M2Mod into a folder of its own.
Open Blender 2.7
click File then User Preferances
now at the bottom of that window Install from File...
now find and install the M2Mod scripts
Back in Blender User Preferances click Add-ons
now find and fill the check box next to both Import-Export functions for M2/M2i AND WoW Tools
Installing scripts - DONE

Set up a Desktop Folder to keep files organized (it sucks to over write your work). Here is how my folder looks. i number these sub folders to keep them at the top and in order. these names are not required but just for my organization.
1. Original Extracted character files
2. Converted to M2I
2.5. Texture files converted to png
3. Edited in blender
4. modified ready for WoW
5. Blender Saves

Extracting Models from WoW
Open Casc Explorer and navigate to your wow folder
Now click Root in the left window so that you can see the Character folder in the right window.
now Right Click Character and extract it to your folder 1. Original Extracted character files

Convert your models to .M2i for Blender
In the example we will be working with the female human wod model.
Open M2Mod and click the Export tab at the top so that you only have 2 lines.
in the top click the 3 lines and navigate to ...1. Original Extracted character files\Character\Human\Female and click HumanFemale_HD.m2 and open.
HD models are the new WoD versions.
Now in the bottom line click the 3 lines and navigate to the folder 2. Converted to M2I and save it as HumanFemale_HD

VERY Helpfull Videos by Freeman on WoW model editing and using Blender.

WoW Blender Tutorial - part 01: basics.

WoW Blender Tutorial - part 03: advanced edits

WoW Blender Tutorial - part 02: basic edits.

WoW Blender Tutorial - part 04: sculpt mode, normals, uv mapping, append.

Getting out of Blender and back in the Game!
Export your modified .M2i to 3. Edited in blender a good habbit would be to number these when you save to keep progress so save the first human as HumanFemale_HD 1.m2i

Open M2Mod and this time at the top click the Import tab.
now we have 3 lines and 3 check boxes...keep all boxes checked.
Input M2 = Original extracted M2 in the 1. Original Extracted character files folder
Input M2I = This will be your modified .M2I that you exported from blender into the 3. Edited in blender folder
Output M2 = you will make this "...\4. modified ready for WoW\HumanFemale_HD" for me it putes a 2 after the HD, take it off before save.
Click GO, and if it says Status: Import Done than you are good to go. you should now have a bunch of files in 4. modified ready for WoW 
Now go to your WoW folder and make this file path World of Warcraft > Character > Human > Female
NoW copy all of the files from 4. modified ready for WoW and paste them in World of Warcraft\Character\Human\Female
After that i recommend deleting the files to keep the folder clean for the next set. If you keep the edited.m2i you can always recrete the files with m2mod easily

Note: the folder structure in the 1. Original Extracted character files is the same that needs to be in the wow root folder.

Now go get a Fixed .EXE from this will be needed for WoW to show your models. LAUNCH THE GAME WITH THE FIXED.EXE...NEVER THE LAUNCHER!


I think that covers everything, if you have any questions or notice something i have missed just let me know, i did this in about 30min and have not been awake very long.

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